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Seminar Dr. Birte Kleine-Benne: Environmental Art

Freitag, 12-14 Uhr, ESA W, Raum 109, Universität Hamburg, WiSe 2010/2011

Lektüreempfehlungen, Blogs und Filme [updated 2010-10-27]

Ulrich Grober 2010: Die Entdeckung der Nachhaltigkeit - Kulturgeschichte eines Begriffs, München.

ECOLOGICAL URBANISM 2010, edited by Mohsen Mostafavi with Gareth Doherty, Harvard University. >>

JDS Archtiects 2010: Agenda. JDS Architects. Can We Sustain Our Ability to Crisis? >>

Bioreboot: The Architecture of R&sie(n) 2010, Giovanni Corbellini >>

Friedrich von Borries 2010: KLIMAKAPSELN, Überlebensbedingungen in der Katastrophe, Berlin. >>

Kathrin Hartmann 2009: Ende der Märchenstunde. Wie die Industrie die Lohas und Lifestyle-Ökos vereinnahmt, München. >>

Kunstforum Intern., Bd. 199 2009: Existenz am Limit - Kunst und Klimawandel >>

Richard Reynolds 2009: Guerilla Gardening - Ein botanisches Manifest, Orange-press. >>

Bruno Latour 2009: "It's development, stupid!" or: How To Modernize Modernization >>

Madeleine Bunting 2009: The rise of climate-change art, guardian.co.uk >>

In conversation with Maja and Reuben Fowkes, 2009, artandsustainability.wordpress.com >>

Brenda und Robert Vale 2009: Time to Eat the Dog?: The Real Guide to Sustainable Living, Thames & Hudson. >>

John E. Thornes 2008: A Rough Guide to Environmental Art, annualreviews.org.

Josef H. Reichholf 2008: Stabile Ungleichgewichte: Die Ökologie der Zukunft, Suhrkamp.

Welzer, Harald 2008: Klimakriege. Wofür im 21. Jahrhundert getötet wird, Frankfurt/Main.

Thomas L. Friedman 2008: Was zu tun ist. Eine Agenda für das 21. Jahrhundert, Franfkurt/Main.

Friedrich von Borries, Matthias Böttger (Hrsg.) 2008: UPDATING GERMANY, 100 Projekte für eine bessere Zukunft, Ostfildern, Berlin. >>

Maja and Reuben Fowkes 2008: Revolution I Love You: 1968, in: Art Politics and Philosophy, Manchester Metropolitan University.

Malcolm Miles (Hrg.) 2008: The Ecology of Post-Socialism and the Implications of Sustainability for Contemporary Art, Plymouth Press.

Sacha Kagan and Volker Kirchberg 2008: Sustainability: A new frontier for the arts and cultures, Frankfurt/Main.

Ulrich Beck 2007: Weltrisikogesellschaft, Auf der Suche nach der verlorenen Sicherheit, Frankfurt/Main.

Regine Debatty 2007: Ecological Strategies in Today's Art, part 1 >> und part 2 >>

Lucy Lippard 2007: Weather Report: Art and Climate Change.

Sabine Himmelsbach und Yvonne Volkart (Hrg.) 2007: Ökomedien | Ecomedia - Ökologische Strategien in der Kunst heute.

Maja and Reuben Fowkes (Hrg.) 2007: Revolution is not a Garden Party, MIRIAD Manchester Metropolitan University.

Volker Kirchberg, Sacha Kagan and Christoph Behnke 2007: Final Report: ESA Research Network for the Sociology of the Arts, Lüneburg, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg.

Maja and Reuben Fowkes 2007: Sensuous Resistance: The legacy of modernism for sustainable art, in: Dokumenta 12 magazine project.

Maja and Reuben Fowkes 2006: Principles of Sustainability in Contemporary Art, in: Central European Contemporary Art Review 1/2006.

Land, Art: A Cultural Ecology Handbook 2006.

Art and Ecology - Economy Special Issue 2006, Central European Contemporary Art Review.

Dennis Meadows 2006: Grenzen des Wachstums, das 30-Jahre-Update. Signal zum Kurswechsel, Stuttgart.

Heike Strelow 2006: Stadt der Zukunft, eine künstlerische Herausforderung >>

California Global Warming Solutions Act, 2006 >>

Beyond Green: Toward a Sustainable Art 2005: Exhibition Catalogue, Chicago: Smart Museum of Art, als .pdf-Download: >>

Victor Margolin 2005: Reflections on Art and Sustainability, in: Toward a Sustainable Art 2005: Exhibition Catalogue, Chicago: Smart Museum of Art, als .pdf-Download: >>

Heike Strelow 2004: Ökologische Ästhetik, Theorie und Praxis künstlerischer Umweltgestaltung, Basel.

Maja and Reuben Fowkes 2004: Unframed Landscapes: Nature in Contemporary Art >>

Timothy Morton 2004: Ecology without Nature. Rethinking Environmental Aesthetics.

Contemporary Arts Center (Hrg.) 2002: Ecovention, Current Art to Transform Ecologies.

Eds Hildegard Kurt / Bernd Wagner 2002: Kultur - Kunst - Nachhaltigkeit, Klartext-Verlag.

Margot Käßmann 2001: The Spirit of Sustainability, Rat für Nachhaltige Entwicklung, Berlin >>

Hans-Erik Stolum 1996: River Meandering as a Self-Organization Process >>

Donna Haraway 1995: Die Neuerfindung der Natur. Primaten, Cyborgs und Frauen, Frankfurt/New York.

Dennis Meadows 1992: Die neuen Grenzen des Wachstums, Die Lage der Menschheit: Bedrohung und Zukunftschancen, Stuttgart.

Félix Guattai 1989: The Three Ecologies, London.

Kunstforum International 1988: Kunst und Ökologie, Bd. 93.

Dennis Meadows, Donella Meadows, Erich Zahn und Peter Meiling 1972: Die Grenzen des Wachstums, Stuttgart.

Richard Buckminster Fuller 1969: Operating Manual For Spaceship Earth (Bedienungsanleitung für das Raumschiff Erde und andere Schriften).

greenmuseum.org, online museum, based in Corte Madere, California
Blog >>
Calender >>

Debate Forum for Climate Reflections >>
The debates are structured around six themes: RETHINK Borders, RETHINK Art, RETHINK Politics, RETHINK Technology, RETHINK Nature and RETHINK Social Life.

Sustainability and Contemporary Art >>
The programme on Sustainability and Contemporary Art at Central European University is co-organised by Maja and Reuben Fowkes with the Department of Environmental Sciences and the Centre for Arts and Culture at Central European University.

Art and Sustainability >>
This blog explores the deepening relationship between contemporary art and notions of environmental sustainability. It aims to both track the recent history of these ideas and highlight current developments in the field of sustainability and contemporary art.

Eco Art Blog >>
Ecological Aesthetics, Art Research and Land Poetry

Ecology Without Nature >>
Blog von Timothy Morton, Professor of English (Literature and the Environment), University of California

Ecoartspace >>
ecoartspace is one of the leading international organizations in a growing community of artists, scientists, curators, writers, nonprofits and businesses who are developing creative and innovative strategies to address our global environmental issues.

Eco art South Florida (ecoartsofia) >>
EcoArt South Florida (EcoArt SoFla) emphasizes Ecoart, the most engaged form of environmental art.

environmentalart >>
Environmental Artist from Finland

Criminal Animal >>
Criminal Animal is a space for web-aware art and criticism about animals, humans, and the stuff in between. The site has three main thrusts: Projects, People and Resources.

Cultura21 >>
The International network of Cultura21 aims to bring together organizations and individuals across the globe striving to advance social, economic and ecological justice. Cultura21 stands for Cultures of Sustainability, allowing human social systems to evolve in harmony with one another and with their environment.

littoral >>
LITTORAL is a non-profit arts trust which promotes new creative partnerships, critical art practices and cultural strategies in response to issues about social, environmental and economic change.

Women Environmental Artist Directory >>
Focusing on women's unique perspectives we collaborate internationally to further the field and understanding of ecological and social justice art.

Community Arts Network >>
The Community Arts Network (CAN) is a portal to the field of community arts, providing news, documentation, theoretical writing, communications, research and educational information. Headquartered at its Web site on the Internet, CAN is a program of Art in the Public Interest (API), a nonprofit organization based in North Carolina.

RSA Arts & Ecology >>
RSA Arts & Ecology is a centre and catalyst for the insights, imagination and inspirations of artists in response to the unprecedented environmental challenges of our time, with a focus on their human impact.

Green Arts Web >>
Green Arts Web is a resource about the practices and theories of environmental art

Greenmuseum. Environmental Art Museum >>

Sustainable Art by Marisa Rehana Mann >>

The Dia Center for the Arts in New York City >>

The Center for Sustainable Practice in the Arts >>

walking in place >>

Die 4. Revolution - Energy Autonomy, Carl-A. Fechner, D, 2010 >>

The Yes Men Fix The World, Andy Bichlbaum, MIke Bonanno, Kurt Engfehr, US, 2009 >>

Plastic Planet, Werner Boote, Austria, 2009 >>

Unser Planet, Michael Stenberg, Johan Söderberg und Linus Torell, S/N/Dk, 2006 >>

Code 46, Michael Winterbottom, GB, 2003 >>

Bubble Boy, Blair Hayes, US, 2001 >>

Waterworld, Kevin Reynolds, Kevin Reynolds, US, 1995 >>

Logan's Run (Flucht ins 23. Jahrhundert), Michael Anderson, US, 1976 >>

Silent Running (Lautlos im Weltall), Douglas Trumbull, US, 1972 >>

Barbarella, Roger Vadim, F/I, 1968 >>

2001: Odyssee im Weltraum, Stanley Kubrick, UK/US/F, 1968 >>

Star Trek, Gene Roddenberry, seit 1966 >>

Dr. Seltsam, oder wie ich lernte, die Bombe zu lieben, Stanley Kubrick, UK, 1964 >>


Environmental Art

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